With the broad objective of improving the quality of training leading to better employability and developing a benchmark for industry-oriented ITI which would serve as a model for other ITIs and would also raise the dignity of ITI, Government ITI Haridwar has been selected for up-gradation as a Model ITI –a centrally sponsored scheme of Government of India, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.

To achieve this objective Government ITI Haridwar has a partnership with champion Industry partner ITC ltd. Haridwar. The Model ITI Haridwar has a functional Institute Management Committee(IMC) registered as a society under the society registration act 1860

As part of the project, IMC will interalia, take up the following activities:

  • Realignment of offered CTS programmes to industry needs by converting/opening relevant units based on the reassessment exercise.
  • Upgradation of all retained units by provisioning relevant infrastructure and training facilities.
  • Upgradation of overall facilities in the institute, including building, library, workshops, computer labs and IT facilities and other infrastructure for hygiene, safety and quality upkeep.
  • Filling up all vacant instructor positions by hiring contractual faculty, if required.
  • Setting up a full-fledged Training, Counselling, and Placements cell (TCPC) and appointing a full time training and placement officer for liasioning with the industry and generating and converting placement leads; TCPC of Model ITI will support other ITIs of the State, in its vicinity using Hub and Spoke model .
  • Champion Industry Partner to conduct training programmes in the most popular trade in ITI
  • Creating suitable infrastructure for upgradation of skills of the existing workforce of the local industrial units
  • Carrying out advocacy activities for institute promotion amongst candidates and potential employers by creating websites and holding job fairs
  • Ensuring industrial attachment of ITI trainees for minimum 15 days.


Chairman of the IMC
(i) Name Shri. Aniruddh Verma
(ii)Parent Organization and Designation ITC ltd Haridwar Head ICML haridwar
(iii)Address Plot No. 1 sector 11 IIE sidcul Haridwar
(iv)Phone 01334 614601
(v)Fax NA
(vii)Industrial Sector Food personal care packaging  and printing
2 Secretary of the IMC (Principal of ITI) Shri.Principal
Industry Members Name of member Organization and Designation Industrial Sector
3 Member1
4 Member2
5 Member3
6 Member4
State Government Representatives Name of member Department and Designation
7 Member1 Smt Anubha Jain Employment Officer, Skill Development & Training
8 Member2 Shri Pankaj kumar Deputy Director, Directorate of Training & Employment
9 Member3 Shri Premchand Principal Vishist Govt. ITI Haridwar, Skill Development & Training
10 Member4 Shri Satish kumar upreti Foreman Govt.ITI Haridwar
11 Member5 Kishan (Trade Machinist) Student Representative

With the broad objective of improving the quality of training leading to better employability and developing a benchmark for industry-oriented ITI which would serve as a model for other ITIs and would also raise the dignity of ITI, Government ITI Haridwar has been selected for up-gradation as a Model ITI –a centrally sponsored scheme of Government of India, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.

To achieve this objective Government ITI Haridwar has a partnership with champion Industry partner ITC ltd. Haridwar. The Model ITI Haridwar has a functional Institute Management Committee(IMC) registered as a society under the society registration act 1860

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